The Law Offices of John V. O'Connor
Verified BusinessCategory: Lawyers and Law FirmsAddress 7500 Green Bay Road Suite 201, Kenosha, WI, US 53142
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Company Details
- Founded 2012
The Law Offices of John V. O'Connor
Verified BusinessCategory: Lawyers and Law FirmsAddress 7500 Green Bay Road Suite 201, Kenosha, WI, US 53142
Email ID
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The Experience You Need in Your Personal Injury Claim
When you hire our personal injury law firm, you work with a responsive, dedicated, and compassionate attorney who understands your situation and diligently fights on your behalf to get what you rightfully deserve.
Services Provided
Personal injury attorney
65% -
11% -
Law firm
12% -
Civil law attorney
Rate and review
5 12 Reviews
Cassie Vargas
I was in a pretty bad car accident and I was recommended to John V Oconners office by a good friend. Honestly, best decision I ever made. John and Lori kept open communication with me throughout the whole process, and it was a long process. They made sure I understood what all, if any documents meant. They made me feel welcomed and like they cared for me and what happened. I would recommend their law office to anyone I know or don’t know. Their whole team is great!...Read More Read Less
Barb Gibbs
He took the time to help me understand the legal process and advise me when I had an accident. I’m grateful for his honest and straightforward assistance....Read More Read Less
Lynette Jurgens
Very friendly, caring and helpful.
After suffering serious injuries due to being the victim of a motorcycle accident, Attorney John O’Connor was recommended to me, and for good reason. John put me at ease with his care, expertise and dedication during one of the most difficult times in my life. He was knowledgeable, efficient and effective, creating a positive outcome for me. I cannot express enough how grateful I am to John and his staff for their help and continued support to me and my family. John O’Connor did an excellent job representing me, has great character, and is a wonderful person. Thank you!...Read More Read Less
Josh O'Brien